Celandine from warts: rules for use and contraindications

A wart or papilloma is a growth on the surface of the skin caused by HPV. Benign tumor growths spoil the appearance and can cause pain and discomfort to the wearer. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to delete the elements. Often used celandine from warts, the method can be used in the absence of the opportunity to go to the hospital.

celandine grass for warts

Pros and cons of wart removal with celandine

The formations are easy to damage, scratch, tear - blood will flow out and an open wound will appear. Modern medicine offers several methods of removing warts. Not all methods are equally effective and available, some can be painful. Not all clinics have a laser, cauterization with liquid nitrogen and other chemicals is unpleasant, it leaves consequences in the form of scars, such as a surgical operation.

Celandine is a poisonous, perennial, wild herb of the poppy family, with lyre-shaped dark green leaves, small yellow flowers, a straight bushy stem, up to 100 cm high. Fresh juice has an orange color. Removing skin growths with celandine has its pros and cons:

Benefits Cracking
The procedure is free, the plant is found everywhere in the temperate zone Only plants harvested during the flowering period (May-June, in some cold areas - June-July) have a therapeutic effect.
Natural product Individual allergic reaction and low pain threshold
Strengthens local immunity Fresh juice is hard to find in a big city
Destroys HPV in the area of application, prevents further spread of infection Preparations based on it can cause pain and burning; a wound, a burn, a scar may remain at the application site
It has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties Long-term treatment
Painless release Not to be used in intimate areas
Effective in the localization of growths on the arms and legs (fingers, hands, feet, heels), with caution can be used on the face, neck, body It cannot be used for the treatment of malignant neoplasms
The desired result is achieved: the warts disappear completely -

Instructions for use of celandine

Successful celandine therapy for warts requires compliance with the instructions for use.

You need to act in stages:

  • wash the plant thoroughly and hold it in hot water so that the wart and adjacent skin are vaporized, so that the product penetrates better into the tissues;
  • break the stem of the plant, drops of juice will appear on the cut;
  • quickly and carefully cover the wart and some adjacent skin with liquid;
  • it is necessary to smear twice a day;
  • processing should continue until the complete disappearance of education.

Celandine juice is not stored, and the suitability of the plant for the treatment of warts is only two months of the year. You can use a plant extract, preparations and formulations based on it. Most of them are sold in pharmacies, used externally, each one comes with instructions for use. The active ingredients are in concentrated form, have a strong effect.

Mountain celandine juice

The drug is a pharmacological balm, which, in addition to the juice of the substance, includes extracts of other medicinal plants. Easily removes small elements, suppresses the papillomavirus in the treated area. Usage:

  • it is necessary to steam the skin;
  • dip a cotton swab into the liquid;
  • press it against the wart for a few minutes (face - 8, body - 10);
  • if the drug is packaged in a small glass with a ground cap, then a drop of balm is easily applied with an applicator to the center of the formation;
  • the place covered by the preparation should be smaller than the growth surface in order not to damage healthy tissues;
  • keratinized particles periodically exfoliate, but do not stick to the blood;
  • treat the wart every 12 hours;
  • The course of treatment lasts 3-10 days.

On the basis of celandine juice, you can make homemade ointment. It is effective, easier and safer to use, does not damage healthy tissues, does not require special preparation, and is easy to apply.

The recipe is simple: combine equal parts of juice and glycerin. Vinegar and garlic juice have a burning effect. If you mix them with flour, you can cover the warts.

Solution or extract from a pharmacy

While the celandine is in bloom, you can keep the extract year-round. Procurement stages:

  • collect 1 kg of stems and leaves, rinse, dry;
  • Scroll through the raw materials several times in a meat grinder, chop them with a blender or food processor;
  • fold the resulting pulp into several layers of gauze or thin fabric;
  • squeeze the juice into an opaque or dark glass container (do not use metal - it will oxidize the active ingredients);
  • put in the dark and heat for 7 days to obtain a fermentation reaction;
  • open the container or drill a hole in the lid for gas release, wait another 7 days;
  • top up with medical ethyl alcohol (95%), in proportion to 1 part of celandine 2 parts of alcohol.

It turns out the alcohol tincture. The plant extract is industrially produced and sold in pharmacies, suitable for immediate use. The wart should be smeared with it 4-5 times a day, without touching healthy tissues. After 2-3 weeks, the growth will completely disappear.

The high temperature of boiling water destroys vitamins and other active substances, the beneficial properties are lost. A decoction of celandine is ineffective and is rarely used to combat warts.

Aqueous solution of alkali

This is a complex chemical compound, which does not contain plant components. The drug is effective in the fight against warts and plantar papillomas. Thanks to the gelatinous consistency it is easy to apply, does not spread and is quickly absorbed. Application procedure:

  • the skin is pre-cooked with steam;
  • adjacent tissues are lubricated with a greasy cream or sealed with a plaster;
  • using a special applicator in a vial, a drop of the drug is applied to the center of the formation;
  • at the moment of contact of the substance with living tissues, you can feel a burning sensation, which will soon cease;
  • small formations will disappear after one treatment, within a day;
  • the large structures will last 5-6 sessions, with breaks of one day;
  • a chemical burn will occur on the treated area, which needs to be further processed until complete healing.

An analogue of the remedy is a wart pencil.


Medicinal oil is prepared on the basis of fresh herbs:

  • fresh stalks cut into small pieces;
  • put in a deep bowl;
  • add sunflower oil so that it covers the vegetables for two fingers;
  • put on fire for 60 minutes, then transfer to a cool dark place (not in the refrigerator);
  • after 7 days, get and filter;
  • add the same amount of fresh oil.

After 1-2 months, they can remove small formations, cure acne, inflammation and acne.

Precautions for Burnout

Before proceeding with the removal of warts with celandine at home, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will determine the type of training, check the oncology and tell if herbal therapy is suitable. Any independent manipulation with skin growths poses a danger to human health. Precautions when using celandine and preparations based on it:

  1. Test for allergies first. When a small amount of juice is applied to a wart, the skin can turn red, itch, swell, and peel off. The application must be stopped.
  2. Treat damaged tissues with an aqueous solution of salt and soda: neutralizes the active ingredients.
  3. Protect healthy skin from negative effects by first lubricating it with a cream or fatty oil.
  4. The contact time of the substance with the skin should not exceed 10 minutes.
  5. There is no need to open a blackened wart, tear off the scab, open the wound - it can begin to rot. As a complication, you can have blood poisoning, necrosis of adjacent tissues.
  6. During treatment, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin to avoid inflammation, chemical burns and scarring.

Pregnant women can use

Pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding are contraindications for the use of celandine and medicines based on it. The juice of the plant is poisonous, it contains alkaloids.

During pregnancy, when a woman's body is under increased stress, the immune system is weakened, poisons can harm the mother and fetus.

When breastfed, substances can be transmitted to the baby with milk and cause poisoning. Young children are vulnerable, the use of the plant should be avoided until the age of 5.

Is it normal for the wart to turn black after the procedure?

Removal of warts with celandine is an exhaustion using natural reagents: alkaloids, organic acids, essential oils. If black spots appear on the surface, the method works. Gradually, under the influence of the drug, the formation should turn completely black. After the therapy can be stopped, the growth will soon drop.

The smoothness of the skin can be restored at no additional cost. The celandine plant is an effective and free remedy. Preparations based on it help with warts and are inexpensive.